The school imparts education to the students of classes I to XII. The school lays adequate emphasis on both Academic and Co-curricular / Extra Curricular activities, judiciously integrated in the school curriculum.
As earlier, these would be restricted to 3 in each subject in an academic year and the average of best 2 would to be taken for final submission of marks.
Multiple Assessment (05 marks):The subject teachers would determine the type and frequency of these. This would make assessment more comprehensive and provide schools/teachers flexibility to use multiple and diverse techniques to assess learners viz. observation, oral tests, individual or group work, class discussion, field-work, concept maps, graphic organizers, visual representation etc. Hence, the schools are given autonomy to use alternate modes of assessment as per the demand of the subject and the context towards addressing the goal of assessment for and as learning, such as, quizzes, portfolio, project-work, Self and peer assessment, collaborative projects, experiments, classroom demonstrations, etc.
Portfolio(05 marks):A portfolio is a purposeful collection of intentionally chosen work by a student representing a selection of performances that is assembled over time and describes the learner’s efforts, progress, growth and achievement in key areas learning outcomes. It is a tool for assessing a variety of skills not usually testable in a single setting of the traditional written paper and pencil tests.
Subject Enrichment Activities(05 marks):
-> Listening and speaking skills in languages.
-> Practical work in Science and Mathematics
-> Social Science-projects be related to Art and culture and include development of Life Skills